Daily motivation - August 28, 2008

This is the latest about daily motivation. This story below will make you more motivated about yourself.

Once upon a time, there lived a pair of lovers who loved each other. They lived in great love and affection. The man worked as a soldier in an army. One day, the man had to do his duty to a battle in another place that made him to leave his girlfriend for a moment. Before leaving for battle, he promised his girlfriend to marry her soon after going back. And the girl was consented and happy to hear about it.

So, the soldier went ahead to the battle. But, unfortunately and pathetically, he was in severe injury that made one of his legs should be amputated. Having no choice, he had to sacrifice his leg to survive. He was also in great depression and frustration when thinking about his girlfriend who waited for him to be married. He knew that it was impossible for him to marry her because of thinking she would never want to marry a one-legged man. So, he threw away his dream and his memories with his girlfriend, deciding to forget her in his lifetime.

On the other side, the girl had waited for him for a long time without getting news about her boyfriend. She did not know where he was, what his condition was, if he was still alive or not, why he did not contact her and etc. Year by year had passed, but the girl hadn’t known about his boyfriend yet. She asked anyone, but the results were zero until she finally gave up.

The one-legged soldier went back to his hometown after having not been there for years. On his way home, he saw a crowd in front of a church, but it was too much crowd. He thought there was a marriage, but wondered why there were so many people watching. He then got there to see what was happening. He was so surprised that there were a bride and a bridegroom. And the bride was his girlfriend whom he had left. He was so sad and regretted of what he had done but he was happy too because she married a perfect man better than him who had been handicapped. Then he saw who her husband was, and what he was seeing made him wanted to crash his head to the wall. The bridegroom had worse condition than he had. The bridegroom lost his both leg. So, his girlfriend married with no-legged man sitting on a wheel-chair.

Message for readers:

Nobody is perfect. I know and you too, that a person can’t be perfect that can do anything, being anything and get anything in life. Most of us often compare ourselves to another who is better than us and being depressed. You perhaps demean yourself when you meet someone or other people who are better than you are in some fields. But you have to remember that they have some weaknesses in some other fields too.

When you demean and judge yourself so bad, you are likely to have less confident to do something. You will be powerless and helpless because of demeaning yourself. By being helpless, you achieve nothing. One of the ways to make you down is by demeaning yourself. You have your own strength and ability that no one has. You just need focus on them.

Daily motivation.


Daily motivation - August 19, 2008

This is the fact about daily motivation that can unleash your true empowering belief to achieve any goals you desire. If you want to know more about daily motivation, this the latest update for you.

Do you always or often believe that what other people are saying is true? Do you believe in them and even make what they are saying to be your belief without thinking about that is true or not, positive or negative, empowering or powerless. Most of us often believe in what others are saying or telling you. You decide they are true and do not consciously prove the fact.

Let me give you an example. One day, you did not prepare well for math test and made you finally got a low score. And the teacher told you to solve the math problem in the class and you just could not do that, and made the teacher told you that you are so lousy. The condition made you felt that what your teacher had said was an absolute truth. What your teacher said had made you took and adopt it to be your belief that you are bad in math although that was not true.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever believed strongly in the past, and now find out that what you believe is exact opposite. I bet you have. Many people, without proving, just believe and finally make it to be their belief. And the worst case, their beliefs are negative much more than their powerful and positive beliefs.

Even, some of the most intelligent and prominent people on this earth have held on strong beliefs that have been proven to be false today. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

  • There is no need for any computer to have more than 250k of RAM – Bill Gates, Microsoft.
  • The mile record of 4 minutes 12.75 seconds will never be broken – Harry Andrews, British Olympic Coach, 1903.
  • The Earth is the center of the universe – Ptolemy, Great Egyptian Astronomer, 2nd century.
  • Heavier than air flying machines are impossible – Lord Kelvin, President of Royal Society, 1895.
  • There is no likelihood that man will tap the power of the atom – Robert Milliken, Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, 1923.

Look at the examples above. They believe in what they believe and most of the people tend to believe in what they had said in the past. Their beliefs became our beliefs too without knowing they are proven to be true or not.

Now, have you ever remembered someone telling you that you are unable to achieve success or anything you desire in life? You probably believed in them and what they were saying became your collection of beliefs. One thing you must do is to believe in you. Don’t believe in others or even destructive beliefs that can set you back. Take just empowering beliefs that keep supporting you on the journey of your success. Do not let limiting beliefs block your potential to achieve success. Do not care of people who telling you that you are not destined to be successful or whatsoever. They are not true, as long as you believe you will be successful, you will be what you believe.

Daily motivation.


Daily Motivation - August 10, 2008

This is the latest from daily motivation. Keep reading and stay up-to-date with us .

One day, there was a group of army who wanted to cross the sea to conquer a kingdom in one island. But they were skeptic because they knew the enemy’s army was much more than theirs. They needed more army. The general insisted on going to the island to fulfill his dream, to conquer his enemy. No matter how much and how strong the power of his enemy, he believed he would win the war.

But, his soldiers were so afraid of it. They believed they would lose and told their general to stop invading. One of them said, “General, I think it’s hopeless we invade our enemy. They are too strong and powerful than we are. They have much more soldiers than we do. How we can win this war? Even, we can lose and be killed by them.”

The general then get a fire and go to the ships they use to cross the sea. He burned the ships down, so there was nothing left. They couldn’t get back. He then shouted, “Now, we can go back anymore. There is no way out. To be alive and get out of here, we must fight and win. You can choose, fight till the end or die.”

Because of having no choice, they fought their enemy with their full power and won the war.

From the story above, we can take some lessons that in order to be successful, we must not make any excuses of not to achieve it. Why? Because when you have many choices, you have more probability to stop achieving your success. You don’t make it a must. Re-read the story above, they MUST win because there is no choice left, win or die. You have to be like that. You have to make success to be a MUST. Don’t give yourself any choices, don’t give any excuses.

If you can make it a MUST, you will give your full attention to achieve your success and you will unleash your full power. Because you know if you fail in achieving success, something will happen. So, there is no way out, you don’t have choices to choose. There is one choice only, you must be successful or achieve anything that become your goals. If you can set yourself in such a condition, nothing and nobody can stop you. All you are thinking about will be how to achieve your success and find the way to accomplish it.

Give yourself only one choice, success. Don’t make 1001 excuses that block and stop you to success that you deserve to attain.

Daily Motivation.


Daily Motivation - 5 August, 2008

Watch these Free Videos, Secret of The Millionaire Mind seminar about money blueprint from T. Harv Eker.

Happy enjoying the videos.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Daily Motivation