Daily Motivation - 22 June, 2008

If you visit New York City or if you live there, you should have known well a famous bridge named Brooklyn Bridge. But, do you know the history behind the bridge? I think you have to learn from it. In 1883, John Roebling had a dream to build a bridge that connected New York and Long Island. Many thought that his idea was too crazy. They suggested him to forget about that. But, he didn’t care and he had strong belief that he would finish the project. He then got his son, Washington, to help him.

After a few months, a tragic accident occurred and cost Roebling’s life. His son had serious brain damage and caused him incapable of talking and walking and even making a small move. But once again, Washington did never think about stopping the project that was in progress. He still had burning desire to realize his dreams. With his wife’s assistance, he told his engineers the next steps to do. This happened for almost 13 years until the bridge had been successfully and amazingly built. His attitude made him capable of passing the hardest time and reaching the winning time. Perhaps we will never be able to see the bridge if he was giving up and stopping the project.

Now, ask yourself, do you have something you wish to finish or accomplish, but you put it off and stop? If you do, remember Washington on the story above. He kept on going ahead no matter his condition that time. I believe you do not have worse condition than he did. Perhaps his dream was bigger than you. If he succeeded in realizing his visions, why you must stop? If he could, you can, too. So, there is no reason for you to bury your dreams. Your dreams deserve to be fought for. Do not let failure or anything make you stop. Keep on going ahead. Never stop until you succeed.

Daily Motivation


  1. Anonymous // 11:55 PM

    Thanks for your motivational stories. I hope you dont mind me using them in our forum. I am giving you full credit for them. please come and visit us at www.godsdragon.net and perhaps join us or just look at the thread that contains your posts.
    Thanks for the inspiration and God Bless You.

  2. Suhardi // 3:18 AM

    Thanks a lot to you. I don't mind as long as you use it for helping people to be better and motivated.

  3. Inspirational Quote // 9:29 PM

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