One day, there was a fisherman sailed to the sea to get some fish. As usual, he used his boat to go to the middle of the sea and prepared the net to catch the fish. He got a lot of fish that day and he was so excited. But he also got a mysterious box in the net. He didn’t know what that was and what was in the box. Therefore, he brought it to the seaside to check it out. After reaching the seaside, he immediately put it and began to open it. And suddenly thick smoke came out of the box and a few moments later the smoke turned into a giant genie. The fisherman was so surprise.
The genie was so happy because he could finally come out to feel the fresh air after being locked in the box for long time. After seeing the fisherman, the genie said, “I’m free now. I was so angry with someone who locks me in the box. Therefore, I promise to myself that I will kill whoever saves me out of this box. It’s time for you to die.”
But before the genie did it, the fisherman asked him, “Ok, ok. You can kill me. But before that, I have a question for you. You are so big, but I do not understand how you can get in and get out of the small box like this? Can you explain it to me? Show me how to do it.” And the genie said,” Ok, I will show you. I get in the box first so you will understand how to do it.” And the genie got in the box. Soon after the genie entered the box, the fisherman locked the box quickly so that the genie couldn’t come out anymore. He said, “Ha. Now you have been locked again and cannot kill me. Good bye.” The genie begged for him to set him free, but the fisherman wasn’t so foolish to trust in him. After that, he threw the box to the sea and went home with his fish he netted.

Message for readers:

We always have problems in our life. Every time we must face the problems and find the way to solve it. However, no matter how complicated the problems are, there will always be the ways to solve them. There are ways for problems that happen to us. Most important part is that we face them wisely with the clear and relax thought. If we worry or even act recklessly, that will not help you more to overcome the problems. You will even make the situation worse. Otherwise, if you think clearly and act with common sense, you will find the way to solve them. If you cannot solve it yourself, don’t be shy to ask for help from other people. Maybe they can give you suggestion or the way out for your problems. The help from others will be helpful because the thought from many people is much more powerful than single thought. Their help will probably inspire and drive you to the way for your problems. So, if the problems come, it’s better to find the way to solve it instead of feeling under pressure.

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