Your Decision

11:48 PM with 1 comments »

What makes poor people can finally be rich and live in abundance? What makes people who want to be successful really achieve their success? What makes people have strong will to make their dreams come true?

The most elementary answer to those questions is the DECISION. Your decision today makes the difference in your own life, your decision brings you here today, it’s your decision that will determine what you will be in the future, your decision will determine your aim and goals. Everything that you have done is the result of what you have decided to do. You study in one university because of your decision, you work in your office today because of your decision, you have a business because of your decision, you’re in the relationship with a man/woman because of your decision. Your happiness and sadness is the result of your decision, you fail just because of your decision, you give up because you decide to give up, you read this article also because of your decision to read this.
You must also realize that if you do not make a decision, it is a decision too, because you have decided not to make a decision. Even though you deny that other factors have affected your decision, you must know that it is decision, because you decide to let those factors affect your decision you want to make.

You are responsible for your own life. You are the judge of yourself that make the decision upon you. You make the decision of what you must do or be. If you do not make a decision, anyone else will make a decision for you. It’s your life. If you decide to be a successful man/woman, don’t let everyone affect you. The base of all action is the decision. Once you make a intense decision, you will act on it. You will have commitment to work on it. So, your decision today will form your future.


  1. Inspirational Quotes // 1:46 AM

    Thanks for sharing valuable information and I hope it will work beneficial for other member as me...