I think you agree with me that you’ve ever been a child before you become what you are today. A person is always born from a baby, and then become a child until we are today. In this article, I am going to talk about the wonderful behavior and attitude of a child you must learn. This behavior and attitude are very important for your journey to success you dream of. Without this behavior, you will lose your way to success and it’s pretty hard to achieve it. If you apply this concept, I believe you will never fail, you’ll achieve your dream and vision no matter how hard the process to achieve it.

Pay attention to a child who is trying to stand up properly. If you have a child of this kind, pay attention on him/her. You know that a child who is able to crawl using his/her two hands and knees will try to go to the next step, standing and then walking. When a child try to stand up, you know that they seldom to be successful to stand up for the first time he put his effort. Can you see that a child must try and sometimes fall down many times before he finally can stand up and then walking around. Sometimes when he falls down, he cries loudly because of pain. However, no matter how hard it is and how painful of falling down, he keep trying. When he falls down, he probably cries or not, but he stand up one more time. When he falls down again, he tries again to stand up. No matter how many times falling down, he will try one more time until he finally made it through. Sometimes his parents support and encourage him to try more when he fails. This behavior is so wonderful. You can get good lessons from a child. A child always tries to do the best to stand up. He knows no fear, he knows nothing about giving up. He doesn’t surrender. This behavior makes a child can finally stand up. If a child stops trying again after falling down, you must know that the child will never walk. He will sit down and crawl for his entire life.

Another example is when a child is trying to ride a bicycle. It’s the same way as the time he learnt to walk. It’s almost impossible for him to ride the bicycle with great success for the first time. He must have fallen down many times. Sometimes it’s so painful because he probably hurt his knees or feet. But again, he does not surrender. A child never let the failure stop him to try one more time. The pain means nothing for him. The pain is not more than the happiness he will get after he can ride it. His strong effort combined with his pain and tears make him finally successful in riding a bike. The child finally makes it one more time.

Do you get the point here? What behavior does a child have that make him successful in standing up and riding a bike like examples above? It is the unstoppable effort, NEVER GIVE UP. When you do not commit to give up, you will never fail in what you do or what you are achieving. You will finally win what you want because you do not think to stop achieving your target before you reach for it. You will also have an irresistible commitment to keep on fighting for making your dream comes true. Nobody or nothing is this world can stop you if you give no excuses for giving up.

I ever hear a quote says, “The enemies I feared most is the enemies that never give up.” It’s always true that if you don’t want to give up, it means that you do not want to be a loser. All that you know is that you must win. Your thought is geared with victory and success in your life. There is no giving up in your mind, there’s only success and victory. This quality makes significant difference between people who achieve their success and people who don’t.

People who give up too soon will surely never obtain what he really wants. They let the failure stops them to continue their hunt for success. They also tell themselves to convince them that they do not deserve the success just because they fail once or twice. They give up quickly. They can’t survive from the failure, disappointment and barrier that is temporary. They believe that the failure indicates their disability to be a successful figure. They do not realize that failure is temporary. The successful people also felt the failure and disappointed, but they didn’t give up. They learn from that failure and keep on trying one more time. They know that the failure is the road to the last destination: success. When unsuccessful people give up as the failure comes, the successful will keep standing up.

The failure is the stepping-stone to success. There’s no success without failure. Failure is common for you and everyone. Failure isn’t a disaster. Failure is nothing for you if you never let it rules your life. Sometimes you feel that it’s too hard to chase your dream, but you must know that no matter how hard it is, you will get it if you never ever stop. You do not really fail unless you convince yourself that you have failed. If you sure that you fail, then it’s over. Your dream of success will disappear from your mind and buried deeply. Don’t bury your dream just because a few failures. Failure cannot hurt you, why you must fear of failure, why you must give up. You know that when you were a child, you felt a lot of pain when you were learning to walk and ride a bicycle, but the word “give up” never come out of your mouth. You didn’t stop until you made it. Let’s see the famous people you know well. Thomas Alva Edison failed thousands times before inventing bulbs, Abraham Lincoln failed for many years before becoming the U.S. President, Sanders got rejected many times before someone bought his recipe and many more. You can imagine that if they give up before they succeed, they will not be famous today. You can also find it yourself around you. Just because they didn’t receive failure, they become the successful people who change our world. Success is for you and everyone who do not give up to achieve it. If you always face the failure many times without giving up, you will be stronger that you are today. It will sharpen your mentality. If you want success, you must be ready for failure. The more failure you get, the faster the success will come to you on condition that you do not give up. I also heard someone said that if you want success, get more failure. It’s simple to understand because the more the failure, the stronger you are. The stronger you are, the less the chance you give up. The less the chance giving up, the bigger your chance to achieve success.

Giving up is easy work to do. Giving up is easy to say. Don’t do that useless thing. There’s no reward for you to give up. Nothing you will get by giving up. However, the biggest reward you will achieve is success when you do not give up chasing your precious dream. If you finally make your dreams come true, you deserve that reward. That’s the result of not giving up. So promise yourself to try one more time if failure comes to you. Make commitment not to give up. Recall the dreams you’ve made before, don’t let it go. Other people have harder and bigger failure, but they successfully succeed and so are you. Success will yours if you never give up.