There was a girl named Joanna. She was a very good girl. She was very poor and so kind that sometimes she had only a crust of bread to eat, she would gladly hand it over if anyone asked for it.

Seeing so much goodness in her, a magician decided to test her and came to her house to give her a beautiful white hen. The next day, she went to see if the hen laid an egg for her breakfast and … what a surprise! The hen laid an egg, but it was made of solid gold. It was a golden egg.

She jumped with joy and took it straight to show her mother and together they went to a jeweler and sold it. With the money they received for that precious egg, they were able to buy many things they needed—delicious food, beautiful clothes, shoes and many more. From that day forward, she was rich and became a disagreeable and miser little girl. On one occasion, she kicked a little boy out of her house when he asked for a crust of bread.

The day after he had treated the boy badly, she went as usual to collect the precious golden eggs laid by the hen. But what a surprise. She was shocked. All that she found was fat eggs—eggs that people usually eat. “What is this? Where are the golden eggs?” Asked Joanna angrily. “Cluck, cluck, cluck.” The hen said. “I’ll give you cluck, cluck, cluck, you bad hen! Aren’t you ashamed of laying such rubbish?” She shouted. Then she began to beat the hen with her broom. The poor hen was very frightened by the rage of the girl.

The next day, the magician appeared to her. He said, “It’s not the fault of the hen that it’s not laying golden eggs. It’s your behavior in not being charitable to the poor, so I’ve punished you. I will not make the hen laying any more golden eggs until you change your ways and mend your fault.”

Then the magician disappeared from her sight and she finally lost her golden eggs because the hen laid only eggs, not golden eggs.

Message for readers:

The secret to achieve and to get more is giving. By giving, you’ll receive more and by giving more, you’ll receive more than more. I think we all agree with that. So many people are so charitable that makes them get more than they have. Let’s see the richest people. Aren’t they the most charitable?

Giving is the powerful action to get more than what you’ve given. If you give money, you’ll attract more money in your life. If you share to people how to be successful, you’ll attract more success into your life. It’s simple because when you give, you feel and think that you have more. By having this feeling and thinking, you’ll get more than you have today. Your feeling and thinking of having more will drive you into more things you’re going to receive. So it’s not surprising that the richest people are the most charitable people because they know that by giving they’ll receive more. You will not be poor by giving to someone. It’s exciting to give someone what we have and see them happier.

It was also applied by Anthony Robbins, World #1 success coach. When he was very poor, he had no money to buy turkey for Thanksgiving Day. But suddenly someone knocked his door. When the door was opened, nobody was there. He saw nobody. But the turkey was left in front of the door and a message. The message stated that the turkey was the gift for him and he was asked to give the turkey to the poor whenever he was able to do that someday like the man knocked his door did. After he was very famous and successful, he remembered the message and did exactly what the man gave him turkey had done at every Thanksgiving Day. That’s the power of giving. By giving, we show our gratitude.

Gratitude itself is a powerful tool to boost and drive you higher into your success. If you’ve ever read “The science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles written in 1910 and the book or movie “The Secret”, you’ll exactly know that gratitude is an important part of getting what you truly want. I will explain it in another article.

As conclusion of the story above, the little girl could no longer to collect or receive golden eggs just because she didn’t give the little boy and even kicked him out when he asked for a crust of bread, whereas she was rich. She wasn’t charitable enough so the magician decided not to give her more golden eggs. So, if you want to give, give it heartily.


  1. Quotes Humor // 10:40 PM

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