One day, there was a young boy who was always bored with his life. Everything around him made him bored, so he wanted to immediately pass his day. He didn’t like his own boring life; he didn’t like what he did everyday and he didn’t like who he was. Sometimes he wished to jump into the future life and left everything around that made him in absolutely great boredom.One day, he was taking a walk in a park and took a seat on a bench. Beside him, there was an old wise man who had been there before the young boy did. Then they looked at each other, but they didn’t have conversation. Because the young boy was very bored, he started the conversation to the old man and said, “Hi, old man. Excuse me, I just want to have some conversation with you because I’m very bored now and everything always makes me bored. I don’t know why. I always dislike this life. It’s very boring. I know you’re old and must have been living for many years and have much experience. Do you have some advice for me to overcome my problem? Your advice can probably help me.”After listening to the young boy’s complaint, he kept silence for a while and the young boy waited for his answer patiently. Then the man started to talk to the young boy and said, “Young boy. I know your complaint well. But you’re still so young and if I explain to you about my opinion, you won’t understand. I have a solution for you, and I hope this will give you an unforgettable lesson.”Then he put out a long rope and gave it to the young boy and said, “This is a rope. This is time rope. This rope symbolizes the length of your own life. Whenever you are bored with your day, you can simply cut it off and you will jump from your today’s life into your future. But you should remember that the longer you cut this rope, the longer you will go to your future. Your life will be over if it has already been used up. So I hope you can use it wisely and don’t be reckless.”And the young boy was so excited by the old man giving him the rope and said, “Oh. Thank you so much. This is what I look for. By having this rope in my hand, I won’t see the boring things anymore. Thanks a lot, old man. I’m glad to meet you.” And he brought the rope with him.The next days, when he found that he was bored that day, he remembered the rope and he finally cut the rope and suddenly everything around him changed and he had been in the future. He was so excited. He thought that the rope was so helpful. Whenever he was bored and sad or any problems came to him, he cut the rope and jump into future. But he cut the rope too often and one day he finally realized that his age increased too fast and he had been old that day. But it was too late. His life would be over because of his cutting the rope too often. He knew that he was wrong and it’s too late to redeem his big mistake. Then he cried aloud because he regretted why he didn’t enjoy his life and always bored when he was young. But he knew that he was unable to go back to the past.While crying, the old man who gave him the rope appeared. Then the young boy [who had been old] ran into and asked him to give help. And the wise old man said, “Finally you’re aware of what you’ve done. No matter how bored you are with your own life or how hard life is, you must enjoy it because this life is beautiful if you ignore and let the bad things away from you. I hope you can use your time wisely and don’t ever be bored from now on. Fortunately, your time hasn’t been up already and you have one more chance for redeeming your fault.”Then the old man took the rope away from the young boy and said, “This rope is no longer yours. So it doesn’t represent your life anymore. Now you can go back to your last time before I met you.”And suddenly he had been in a park sitting on a bench, but the old man wasn’t there. He was also excited in realizing that he was still young. He had come back to his present life and showed his gratitude. He promised to himself to enjoy his life no matter how boring it was and would pass his days happily.

Message for readers:

Everybody wants to achieve success, happiness, prosperity, wealth etc in their life. But most of them don’t believe that they can achieve that. Most of them even believe they don’t deserve that. They believe they can’t and will never achieve what they desire. They hesitate about themselves. They don’t trust in their ability for great achievement. The quality we must absolutely possess is belief and faith. It’ll be in vain expecting for achievement or success without faith and belief that we will achieve that. We must have strong faith with no doubt that we will sooner or later get what we desire most. If we believe that we won’t achieve success or believe that we will achieve success, we’re always right. All depend on your belief. If you believe you can, so you can. If you believe you can’t, so you can’t.If you have destructive beliefs, you won’t do everything best, you won’t use your full potency, and you’ll get the results you don’t expect and you’ll more strongly believe that you can’t achieve what you desire. So have belief and strong faith that you have the right and can achieve success. Nothing is impossible if you believe that.


  1. Weird Quotes // 10:35 PM

    Thanks for sharing this useful knowledge I am desperately looking forward to it.