Daily Motivation - July 16, 2008

Optimist is a state describing that you have strong belief and faith, positive thinking that everything is going to be OK and that what you wish, hope and dream will be achieved. It is totally different with pessimist that is a state describing that you have lack of confidence, belief, faith and positive thinking that everything is not good.

From that difference, you can decide that those who are successful are optimist ones and those who are unsuccessful are pessimist ones.

Optimists see the good in bad situations;
Pessimists see the bad in good situations.

Optimists feel they can control their destiny;
Pessimists believe they are controlled by their destiny.

Optimists turn minor setbacks into victories;
Pessimists turn them into disasters.

Optimists say, “If you don’t succeed at first, then try again.”
Pessimists say, “I would prefer watch the game from the stand, then keep striking out all the time.”

Optimists love to break through barriers;
Pessimists say, “Why don’t breaks ever come my way?”

Optimists see defeats as temporary setback;
Pessimists see them as recurring events to be endured.

Optimists like to rub shoulder with positive-thinking people;
Pessimists prefer to hang around with cynics and complainers.

Optimists can carry bumper sticker that read “Isn’t life grand?”
Pessimists prefer, “Life is a drug, and then you die.”

Optimists always expect the best in every aspect of life.
Pessimists always expect something bad happens in their life.

Optimists believe in great achievement, even when it seems to be impossible.
Pessimists give up too soon.

Optimists will finally achieve everything in life.
Pessimists will achieve nothing.

Optimists never let failure stops them from trying one more time.
Pessimists make it as the reason for not to succeed.

So now, you can decide what type you are. If your dominant type is optimist one, congratulation. You are on the right track on the success you desire. If you don’t, change it. Everything can be changed. Change is everlasting.

Daily Motivation


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