Daily Motivation - July 20, 2008

Do you have low self-esteem? Or do you always think and believe that you are not eligible or qualified for success that can possibly be achieved by you? Or do you think that you do not have the ability and capacity to the dreams or goals you wish so much?

If so, you need to raise your self-esteem. Your high self-esteem can make you feel confident enough in doing something towards your success. If you feel confident, everything is going to be easy for you. If you don’t, you will think that you just waste your time and a lot of energy just to achieve something that you think is impossible or out of your reach. This is because you do not have good self-esteem and finally lower your own value.

But, self-esteem is definitely something you can work on. Try these tips below to boost your self-esteem:

  • Do something challenging – Do something you would normally think you couldn’t do. That might be as small as reading Romeo and Juliet or as extreme as doing something difficult. Whatever it is, push your boundaries and when you succeed at it you will like yourself more. Once you succeed in finishing it, you will have more confidence to do something bigger in you life. And it will make your self-esteem higher.
  • Do some volunteer work – Besides being a great way to help others and meet potential dates (if you are lucky), you will garner appreciation for your work and who you are. This is certain to boost your self-esteem because you give more value to the life of others and you give more value of yourself.
  • Practise positive self talk – Every day we look in the mirror at least once and some of us forty times or more. Each time we look in the mirror we tell ourselves things. The self-talk can be positive or negative. People tend to be negative in their self-talk that creates low self-esteem, but you have a choice. Make an effort to say positive things about yourself when you look in the mirror.
  • Develop your strength – Instead of thinking about what you are unable to do or your weakness, try to think about your strength or something you are proud of. Develop your strength so it can empower you to raise your self-esteem. Develop it to cover your weakness instead of develop your weakness to cover your strength.
Daily Motivation


  1. Cell Crazy // 10:28 PM

    I think we have to believe that we are all capable of doing something greater with our lives. I think I've forgotten that at various times in my life.

  2. Quotes Motivational // 10:18 PM

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